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Pray For MissionView Village

MissionView Village Prayer Team

Welcome to a community bound by compassion and united in prayer for the MissionView Village Project. As we embark on this journey to create a haven for those on a fixed income, we believe that God listens and responds to our collective prayer.  We need His favor to accomplish this task.

Join the MissionView Village Prayer Team!Learn About MissionView Village

Join the MissionView Village Prayer Team

Thank you for being the heartbeat of this endeavor. Together, through prayer and community, we can make MissionView a place of hope and empowerment. If you’d like to join our MissionView Village Prayer Team, see below!

What to Expect:

📧 Weekly Email Newsletter: Receive a heartfelt video message with our latest prayer requests and updates directly to your inbox.

🤝 Private Facebook Group: Connect with like-minded individuals, share uplifting thoughts, and be part of a supportive community dedicated to making MissionView a reality.

Sign Up:

How You Can Make a Difference:


Lift up the MissionView Project, its team, and future residents in your prayers.


Spread the word about MissionView and invite others to join our prayer team. Send them this link!


Engage in meaningful conversations and share your thoughts in the private Facebook group.

Visit the Facebook Group