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You, our treasured community of supporters, are the champions helping us write stories of redemption and new beginnings. It’s only because of you that we can continue our mission to help those in difficult circumstances find hope, faith, and a path towards recovery.

As we often walk the streets of our city, we witness the spread of homelessness, poverty, and despair. It’s daunting, yes. But at the Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission, we believe in the power of prayer, faith and in the goodwill of our community. We gaze upon the faces of those living on the streets, and we see beneath the dirt, the scars, and the unfortunate past. We see potential.
We’ve long struggled to walk beside our fellow community members, offering a hand up rather than simply a handout. From providing the Gospel, shelter, food, and clothing to offering mentorship, addiction recovery programs, and job skills training, we strive to improve their life, one person at a time. And when they give us a smile, thanking us for our help, we understand we are rooted in a cause larger than ourselves.
Today, we are reaching out to you to ask for your continued support. You have been the catalyst for transformation and with your contribution, we can extend our services to those who desperately need them.
Thus, we are making an appeal to you, our valued donor, to continue your generous support with a donation. Together, let’s uplift those who are trapped beneath the rubble of life to see the light of a new tomorrow.
Note: Many of our supporters give stock, grant from Donor Advised funds, or make a Qualified Charitable Distribution, all of which are more “tax-smart” than giving cash. We want you to join them and get the benefit of not only contributing to a noble cause, but also making a smart financial decision.

Every gift makes a difference. Your contributions, no matter how big or small, emulate the love of Christ and spark a change. As the verse goes in Philippians 2:4, “Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”
We thank you from the depths of our hearts for considering a donation to maintain the beacon of hope that is the Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission. Let’s together, envision a community where everyone has a safe shelter, adequate food, support, and most importantly, the company of loving and caring people.
We sincerely thank you, and God bless you!

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