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Thrift Stories With Barbara

Witnessing Changed Lives

By: Barbara Lowery
Second Chance Thrift Store Manager

WWJD was a slogan several years back. For those that do not remember, it stands for What Would Jesus Do. Jesus fed and healed and saved the lost. It is my humble opinion that this is what we do at the Gospel Rescue Mission. What joy it is to watch as our men and women progress through their program to independence. Not only are we proud of their accomplishments but to see their joy, super smiles and the radiance of our Savior shine from them is a beautiful thing. And that, my dear friends, is of their own making, not because it was forced upon them.

One of the most rewarding facets of my job is when residents complete their Pathway to Independence program and come to the store to have their homes furnished…..without charge. A special remembrance was to watch three guys who fulfilled their commitment to their program, have secure jobs (one is retired), paid off their debts, have money in savings and have their own vehicles, be successful at finding their own place. A beautiful place in the Applegate Valley, no less.  It was so heartwarming to watching them come in to Second Chance and excitingly pick out their furniture, dishes, linens, etc. … what a sight to behold. I loved it.  We have many stories like this…. just ask, I would love to share.

Our newest addition inside the store is our Prayer Request bowl and our Scripture Candy Bowl. Our Scripture Candy is just a heart-shaped bowl with little bits of scripture. If you have a favorite to share, please let us know and we can add it to the bowl. Our desire is to ingest The Word and Let His Light Shine. Should you have a prayer request, please drop it in the Prayer bowl and we will pray for you on Thursdays at 1:00 pm. Our donors and customers are a tremendous blessing to us. The dollars from your donations support the men and women as they gain their independence. What better way to show our gratitude than to pray for you and any needs you may have.


Barbara Lowery, Second Chance Thrift Store Manager

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