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There is a song titled “Angels Among Us” by the group Alabama. The lyrics have always held a special place in my heart because I have met many angels over the years. Some are strangers, some friends, some coworkers, some family. Our Lord has blessed me with these special people off and on my whole life.

Currently, I can think of two such people. One is a sweet, lovely customer who comes into the Second Chance Thrift Store often. We talk and share the beauty of this life, especially knowing the joy of our Savior, Jesus. She spends her days with the elderly in one of the area nursing facilities. She, I am sure, is an angel to some of those whose family do not come to visit. Last time she came in she greeted me with, “You know the homeless lady that stays outside your door sometimes? I just walked past her and said, “I see your Halo”.  Oh, my! That surely sent shivers all over me. Can you imagine??? I just can’t stop thinking about that. What if we just took time to give a kind word of blessing to the street people?  What would they feel like if we spoke words of blessings, like “May your day be filled with joy” …. or even tell them their “halo is showing”. What if we did that to anyone…our family, friends, coworkers. The thought warms my heart and leaves me with a huge smile!

Woman with Illustrated Halo Above Her Head

My other angel is my co-worker. She is a precious, God-fearing lady that relies on our Lord for everything. She at one time was a Gospel Rescue Mission resident. She was blessed by her stay and made cherished lifelong friends. Since that time, she has been volunteering here at Second Chance Thrift Store. For over 12 years, she has put in no less than 20 hours a week. Can you image? Who does that anymore? Most people don’t even stay at their job that long!  I thank God for her daily. I do not know what I would do without her. When people come in and tell us how beautiful and organized our store is, I owe a lot to her. I am so grateful to Father God for her and our sisterhood. So blessed by this angel.

My prayer is that you and your loved enjoy this beautiful, holy, holiday season. Rejoice in the Lord as He showers you with blessings galore….and may your halo shine brightly for Him.

By: Barbara Lowery, Second Chance Thrift Store Manager

One Comment

  • Margaret Moss says:

    I ABSOLUTELY LOVE shopping at second chance, Barbara is the face of God to many who come in…I enjoy EVERYONE that gives their time to such GREAT place. God’s Blessing on all and thank you.

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