Christ. Community. Transformation.
Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission
Helping People Leave Homelessness Behind for Good.
Christ. Community. Transformation.
Helping People Leave Homelessness Behind for Good.
The Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission is not your typical “three hots and a cot” homeless shelter. We focus on helping those who really seek meaningful change in their lives to go from dependence to independence, and from brokenness to wholeness. One of the ways we do this is through our Pathway to Independence Program. The program is designed to provide structure, accountability, and a path to success for those in need.
”The Gospel Rescue Mission helped me get my relationship with God back on track. That's not what I expected!
MiriamFormer Mission Resident
We are a community of Christians who love God and who have a heart to serve. Our vision is to give food, clothing, shelter and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are the most in need.
We refuse to take government funds so that we are able to stay committed to good results and outcomes rather than being coerced into forced political agendas.
Community is Key…
No life works well apart from community. All life choices impact the whole community. Relationship skills are necessary for community. Serving others builds community.
1 in 3 residents leave the Mission with an income and housing. We help people leave homelessness behind for a life of independence.
"I cannot do another day on the street. I WON'T do another day on the street!"
After being at the end of his ropes, living in a homeless camp in Crescent City, Asa Cronk was beaten and left for dead by a gang that used killing a homeless person as an initiation rite. Determined to turn his life around, Asa decided to check back into the Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission, where he knew he could stay sober and get his mindset straight. In this video, Asa shares his journey of overcoming adversity and how the Mission has helped him to rebuild his life.
Play VideoWatch Asa's Story
Prayer is one of the most important ways that you can support the Mission. When you pray for the Mission, ask God to provide the resources and guidance that the Mission needs to be successful. Pray that God works in the hearts of the homeless and needy to bring them to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
The task is a big one, and we can’t do it alone! If you have been called to serve the homeless, consider working alongside us by becoming a volunteer.
Finished with your spring cleaning? Drop off your gently used clothing and household items at our Second Chance Thrift Store or Booth Street Thrift Store location. All proceeds go to support the programs and services of the Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission.
When you give to the Gospel Rescue Mission, you join us in our mission to proclaim Jesus Christ to the needy of Josephine County by assisting with clothing, spiritual counseling, food, healthcare and shelter. Thank you for choosing to invest in the lives of our residents!
Legacy giving plays a vital role in sustaining the impact of the Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission for generations to come. By considering a planned gift, donors have the opportunity to build a lasting imprint on the lives of the homeless and marginalized in Josephine County, ensuring that our crucial work continues long into the future.
As a thank you for being a friend of Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission, we’ve partnered with FreeWill to help you create your legal will. It’s 100% free to you, and most people finish in 20 minutes or less.
During the will-creation process, you will be given the opportunity to specify a gift for the Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission. Thank you!
Did you know?
Having a valid will in place isn’t enough.
Assets you pass on outside of your will are called non-probate assets. They include lRAs, 401(k)s, pensions, life insurance policies, and certain bank and brokerage accounts.
If beneficiaries are properly set for these non-probate assets, ownership can transfer faster than your assets that must go through probate.
It can often be difficult to plan and make sure that your gifts are used in line with your wishes if they are left unknown. But more importantly, we want to say thank you for considering our work as a part of your legacy.
We know that life circumstances can change and you may need to alter or reconsider your gift in the future. That’s all right — reporting your gift today does not obligate you now nor in the future.
A beacon of hope for homeless women and children is shining bright in Grants Pass!
At the Fikso Family Center, our Women's Coordinator guides women and children as they work to change their lives. In this video, Monica talks about the Pathway to Independence Program, and tells the story of how she now gives back to the place that made independence possible for her.
Play VideoGet to Know Our Women's Coordinator
Have a question, or something you’d like to share with us? Leave us a note!
Note: For urgent requests, please call the Mission’s front desk at: 541-476-0082
Men’s Shelter
Administrative Offices
540 SW Foundry St.
Grants Pass, OR 97526
Front Desk: 541-476-0082
Gospel Rescue Mission
PO Box 190
Grants Pass, OR 97528
© 2025 Gospel Rescue Mission Grants Pass.